During my AR class, I saw a great reference that can use it in my project. It is called "EyeJack". With your mobile phone, when users place it on the drawing, small animation will trigger. I wanted to make an AR book with my sketches. So when sketches are detected, short gif animation will play with different sounds that I've recorded in the Washington Square Park. Also, for the sound, I recorded the ambient noises in the park. And I did some interviews with people who are reading books. Somehow, I weren't able to figure out how to upload a gif file in Vuforia.(Unity) So I made an alternative for the interactive piece for now. When the sketch is detected, the sound and the 3d animation figures will trigger. Create a few sketches that you can work with!
After the discussion with Alon, I decided to narrow it down my community. I tried to find more meaningful and engaged ones. Also I was more into drawing people rather than the objects. So I figured out that it would be interesting to draw a people who are reading books! Pick a NY community that you wish to document for this class. Visit the neighborhood and sketch on-site Collect a few sketches of specific objects/details that you discover which are typical/unique to that community. Create an interactive prototype using that sketches you’ve made Document and publish your process I picked "Washington Square Park" as my NY community since I often pass by the place. Whenever I feel tired of computer and need some rest, I go to Washington square park with a cup of coffee and sit there for a half an hour, listening to my favorite music. It is my way of releasing stress! (and I'm pretty sure a lot of other NYU student does same :) The weather was perfect on the day I went out for sketching. After I decided to sketch the place, I started to look for objects that can define the park. The most known object would be the Washington Square Arch. As a starting point, I drew the front view of the arch. Also, I remembered how beautiful the night view of the park is. So I started drawing street lamps Interactive prototype:
https://xd.adobe.com/view/c00aea69-f717-40c9-ada9-f4df212966a6/ I wanted to make a google map with my sketches. If you click/tap on the street lamp in the first sketch, the screen will change to the second sketch. |